My precious girls have been far too naughty to write anything good about lately. In keeping with the motto "if you can't say something good, don't say anything at all", I'll just let this cartoon speak for now.
Dawson and I bark all the time. It is to protect our space from the evil interlopers. Pappy likes to yell, "shut up Moco." We don't pay much attention to him. We know we are on guard.
I wish barking were the worst of it. But, speaking of barking....Stella barked last night after I went to bed for what seemed like hours. It was windy and the garbage can had blown out of its usual place into the yard. You would have thought a pack of evil cats had invaded the yard! Needless to say....yawn....I'm exhausted today!
I'm sorry to report all dog blogs have been blocked by my employer. Admittedly, I used to do all my postings from work because we have high speed Internet. My dial-up here at home will not allow me to post. It just sits there when I try to post. Some day I hope to get current with technology, but for now, Stella and Annie are on a bit of a PAWS from the computer.
We are sorry that you are blocked at work. Doesn't the employer know how important dog blogging is to mental health. We will look forward to hearing from you when we can. You will be in our thoughts often.
We know that barking is good for any dog to do. We hope your mom has you blogging again more after you two are behaving more. Thanks for the share. Have a wonderful upcoming weekend. World of Animals
Dawson and I bark all the time. It is to protect our space from the evil interlopers. Pappy likes to yell, "shut up Moco." We don't pay much attention to him. We know we are on guard.
I wish barking were the worst of it. But, speaking of barking....Stella barked last night after I went to bed for what seemed like hours. It was windy and the garbage can had blown out of its usual place into the yard. You would have thought a pack of evil cats had invaded the yard! Needless to say....yawn....I'm exhausted today!
ah you get twice the annoyance but twice the love :)
Far too naughty? Oh, do tell!!! Hearing about other dogs' exciting days is what makes blogging fun!
William Tell
woofies Stella and Annie, nice to meeteded u likes to guard me house too...
b safe,
Ha woo woo woooooo!
I'm sorry to report all dog blogs have been blocked by my employer. Admittedly, I used to do all my postings from work because we have high speed Internet. My dial-up here at home will not allow me to post. It just sits there when I try to post. Some day I hope to get current with technology, but for now, Stella and Annie are on a bit of a PAWS from the computer.
We are sorry that you are blocked at work. Doesn't the employer know how important dog blogging is to mental health. We will look forward to hearing from you when we can. You will be in our thoughts often.
We know that barking is good for any dog to do. We hope your mom has you blogging again more after you two are behaving more. Thanks for the share. Have a wonderful upcoming weekend.
World of Animals
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